
Commercial offer

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Obsługa księgowa i kadrowa

Complete service accounting and personnel resources

From small businesses to large corporations, we have experience in servicing large industrial facilities, as well as complex tax groups. We provide services for domestic entities with foreign capital. Every companies, regardless of size, we provide excellent service at an affordable price.
Płatności, monitorowanie zapłaty należności

Payments control.

also we creating transfer orders at bank system, what can guarantee finish all payments on time(full acounting). We checking all tranfers after.
Rejestracja działalności gospodarczych i spółek kapitałowych

Registration of private activity and LLC

We will prepare all the necessary documents for registration of business, deliver them to government agencies and the courts.
Reprezentacja w ZUS i US

We Representing

Your company in fiscal administration and in the ZUS. We actively take part in tax audits and checks in ZUS through our aid that are actively and quickly
Stały dostęp do pomocy księgowej

We will be happy to help

We guarantee unlimited access to professional assistance of our experts.
Openness is our leading feature - applies both to the individual with the plan of accounts for your employees, where your staff can use directly from our software, for example, when issuing invoices.
Profesjonalna firma księgowa w Krakowie

We are a professional and  open to the client company.

Professional execution of tasks - it's not all:
  • affiliate conclude a cooperation agreement,
  • We ensure complete confidentiality, we are committed to keep professional confidentiality,
  • We have access to the latest IT-technologies
  • We are companions and often friends. We support our company's with good advice to help in making difficult business decisions.
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